Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Baclayon Church

Still on my Bohol trip, I present to you one of the oldest churches in the Philippines - Baclayon Church!

In 1717, Baclayon was finally created as the Parish of the Immaculate Concepcion and the present church totally finished in 1727. The parish acquired a big bell in 1835. Its antiquity is written in its high altar and upon the painting in the ceilings.

Beside the church is a museum that houses centuries-old religious relics and other antiquities. One can find a statue of the Blessed Virgin (said to be given by the Queen Catherine of Aragon),an ivory statue of the crucified Christ looking heavenward, relics of famous saints like St. Ignatius of Loyola, old vestments embroidered in gold thread, mass songs written in sheepskin and books with covers made of carabao skin.

With a monastery type building, the Baclayon church has an eerie dungeon reserved for natives who violated the Roman Catholics Laws - a concrete evidence of the extreme measures of discipline imposed upon the natives in order to suppress their supposedly pagan ways of living.

Baclayon Church background info courtesy of Bohol Tourism.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Chocolate Hills of Bohol

I was absent from making blog posts for a few days, all the while thinking what places have I been to that I haven't written about here. It was yesterday when I finally hit the jackpot! The clan attended the first birthday of a niece yesterday. We were laughing and talking about our most recent out-of-town trip - our Manila sojourn and our subsequent adventures - on to trips of the past years - to our adventures in Bohol. And so, I now present you ... the Chocolate Hills of Bohol!

Basic Facts

The Chocolate Hills is a rolling terrain of haycock hills — mounds of general shape which are conical and almost symmetrical. Estimated to be at least 1,268 individual mounds to about 1,776, these cone-shaped or dome-shaped hills are actually grass-covered limestone hills. The large and numerous perfect domes vary in sizes from 30 to 50 metres (98 to 160 ft) high with the largest being 120 metres (390 ft) in height. Aesthetically extensive, they are scattered throughout the towns of Carmen, Batuan and Sagbayan in Bohol. Bohol's "main attraction", these unique mound-shaped hills are scattered by the thousands on the island's central plain, concentrated near the town of Carmen.

During the dry season, the precipitation is inadequate such that the grass-covered hills dry up and turn chocolate brown. This transforms the area into seemingly endless rows of "chocolate kisses". The branded confection is the inspiration behind the name, Chocolate Hills

The Legend

When giants live with mortals, a gentle giant fell in love with a beautiful village girl. Agoro, the giant was handsome and though a favorite among female giants, was also a loner. When everything and everybody sleeps, Arogo would sit by his favorite spot near the river to ponder or just watch the night pass by.

One night while Arogo was by his spot, he noticed a beautiful native girl with hair as black as the night by the river bank. He instantly fell in love with Aluya. After that night, Arogo would always wait by his place to take a glimpse at his beloved Aluya. A rumor reached Arogo that Aluya would soon marry a man her parents chose for her.

The night before Aluya's wedding, Agoro kidnapped Aluya. Seeing a giant, Aluya screamed, kicked and cried, but to no avail. Arogo was successful in abducting Aluya.

In the giant's cave, Arogo tried to give Aluya food and water but the girl kept on crying. Her sadness reached her heart that she died with tears in her eyes. Arogo buried her and kept his vigil. He cried for days and months. Giant tears fell to the ground. He cried a thousand years for the loss of his love.

After sometime, Arogo's tears hardened and became what we know today as Chocolate Hills. The Hills were witnesses of an unrequited love of the years go by.

The Fame

World-renowned. Cited as a Geological Movement of the country. Nominee for the New 7 Wonders of the World. With that fame, people from all over the world would come to see for themselves - and would hardly believe what their eyes are telling them. There is no way this awesome geological feature could ever be man-made!

That was my feeling even when we were still from afar, seeing only the tips of the hills on the horizon. As we went nearer, the clearer our view of the hills became. On both sides of the road and as far as your eyes can see, the famous Chocolate Hills struck us with awe. You know, there are probably a few times in your life that you'd feel humbled and amazed by the Creator's masterpieces. My up close encounter with Bohol's Chocolate Hills was one of them. It made me feel breathless!

One of the two highest hills has a viewing deck on top for tourists to view the grand panorama. However, before anyone could take in the wonderful view, one has to climb all 214 steps (used to be 213 but added one step to make it more romantic - 2/14, gets?) to the viewing deck. My aunt balked at the thought of too much physical exhortion and opted to wait at the bottom. meanwhile, I and my cousins even raced as to whoever could reached the top first. All went well at the start but a few moments later, we realized we were just tiring ourselves out foolishly - who could enjoy the magnificent view while panting our lungs out, right?

Many tourists were already at the viewing deck when we arrived at the top, slightly panting (Ok, fine! More like panting noisily, thanks to our mini race!). We took a picture of the bell - I forgot, though, what its significance was. If anyone could tell me, please do. Thanks!

PS. Another thing Bohol's Chocolate Hills is known for - a big heartbreak for all chocolate lovers worldwide! Even if you'd dig a hill through, you could never find chocolate - only limestone, dearies!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Bluewaters Beach Resort

Samal Island has always been a favorite place to hang out with for beach lovers. With its white sand and pristine waters, it's no wonder people from all over the country flock to this small island. Many beach resorts line its coast. One of which is Bluewaters Beach Resort.

The clan spent an overnight in this beach resort - frolicked at the beach, played water games at the pool, and lounged under coconut trees. What we liked about this place is the scenic location of their pool. Situated a few meters above sea level, one could swim in the pool while viewing the grand vista below. It was a pretty amazing that I and my uncle couldn't resist having our pictures taken.